5 Quick-Defense Tactics for Your Car


As we’ve seen lately…

There are plenty of scenarios where you’ll want to use your car to get out of dodge. 

Riots, protests, pandemics, crime, violence, energy grid collapse… you name it.

I always hope for the best but that’s not an excuse to fail to prepare for the worst. 

My car has become a perfect go-to help for getting out of gnarly situations.

Here are 5 ways you can prepare your vehicle to use it for defense when disaster strikes.

#1: Daily And Periodic Checks

This first one is basic, but if you don’t do the basics, you’re already at risk. 

If you want to be sure your car is ready at all times, walk around it and check whether everything is ok every day.

Check on your tires for leaks, tread depth and general wear and tear. 

Do monthly checks on your car just to make sure there are no flat tires, check on your oil, transmission fluid and other car fluids.

You don’t want to have issues with your transmission or tires if you find yourself surrounded by a mob.

You should probably have no less than half the tank gas at all times. I generally keep it between one quarter to half full. 

When you are escaping, the last thing you want is wait in line to get gas. If your car tank is halfway full, it will take you at least some distance to start.

#2: Use Run-Flat Tires

These are “pneumatic vehicle tires”, designed to resist the effects of deflation when punctured. You can continue driving for quite some distance even with a flat tire.

Although they are more costly than regular tires, they can save your life when you have no time to change your fat tire.

#3: Security Tint Film

Installing security tint films on your car windows will prevent attackers from getting a clear view of the inside.

It will prevent them from seeing what you are doing, which is key (in case you need to draw a weapon without them seeing.)

Some of these films keep shattered glass from falling out of the window, keeping attackers out and you safe from glass shards.

#4: Emergency Routing & Maps

Keep maps of your local area readily available in your car.

Paper maps are important if you lose your phone or if you have no signal. Many cell services (including the internet) may also be turned off during times of crisis.

Physical maps and directions will help you find the evacuation routes and give you a countrywide road map to help you put miles between you and attackers.

#5: Quick Hits for Self-Defense.

Even with all of the above, there may come a time when you need to get physical. 

If you’re inside a car, start driving at full speed. Human self-preservation will often kick in and people will naturally try to evade your car. 

Yes, I know, someone might get hurt. So be it. If they’re attacking you, you either defend yourself or get pummeled by a mob.

Here’s what you should keep in mind if you’re already outside your car: 

  • Use your car keys to attack a thug in the face, targeting either the nose or the eyes.
  • Aim your kicks at the knees and in their groin.
  • Use your elbow to strike an attacker behind you, target their nose or the eyes.

Keep these tactics in mind as attackers will not warn you that they are about to strike. 

Knowing what to do may save your life or that of the loved ones.