Stealth Operator Tactics for Becoming Invisible

The worst thing you can do for your safety is to attract attention. You need to blend in with your surroundings for optimal self-defense. Thugs and criminals choose their targets because something about that person catches their attention. It’s often: A shiny piece of jewelry. […]

3 Easy Boxing Tactics for “Street Self-Defense

Frank, my neighbor, loves to practice boxing with me.  By “with me” I mean he throws punches, jabs and a mean right hook out of the blue — at me. He says it’ll keep me on my toes because in real life, attackers don’t warn […]

How To Escape a Rear Choke Hold

It was early Saturday morning, 01:28 AM.  The streets were soaking wet after a few hours of downpour.  I’m walking home after a night out. I passed a dark alley with several trash bins. Out of nowhere, some thug rushes up behind me… Grips me […]

4 Easy Muay Thai Moves for Self-Defense

I like Thai food as much as the next guy. So when I got the chance to learn some Muay Thai, I thought it sounded like a dish of Pad Thai or something. Anyway, Muay Thai is also known as “The Art of Eight Limbs.”  […]

How to Escape a “Reverse Bear Hug”

One of the most common ways an attacker will come after you… Is by grabbing you from behind in a “bear hug.” Here are a few self-defense tips on how to escape. #1: Shoulder Throw Use a shoulder throw defense. You will need to lower […]

Overnight Defense & Survival Strategies

How do you survive a night in the streets of your city? What would you do if you had to abandon your home at night, quickly, thanks to mobs, riots and civil unrest?  How would you defend yourself and your family?  Here are 4 quick, […]

Your Home vs. Riots and Mobs

When a mob is coming down your street. Smashing windows, cars, spray painting houses. Do you have a plan for what to do?  If you have a basement, sure, you could go hide… And have your home vandalized, probably costing you a ton of money. […]

How to Survive the Coming Food Scarcity

It’s been a crazy year with panic buying, food shortages, stockpiling… And lack of toilet paper. On top of it all, if you haven’t noticed yet, you will: Price inflation is happening across the board. Milk and eggs are more expensive now than even just […]

2 More Kenpo Moves from Frank, My Neighbor

Frank, my neighbor, is quite the character.  We only started talking because he once saw a book I was reading, on my porch. It was “The Book of Five Rings”, written by the Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi around 1643.  He was outside cutting grass, saw […]

Why I Don’t Want to Piss Off Frank, My Neighbor

Ever heard of American “Kenpo”?  I’m sure you have. It’s basically karate. And excellent for self-defense tactics.  You can use Kenpo to defend yourself against grabs, pushes, holds, and armed assaults. But you probably haven’t heard Frank, my neighbor, talk about it. Frank’s a funny […]

The Only 4 Self-Defense “Hacks” You Need?

Look, most of what passes as self-defense is pure dog crap. You don’t need a hundred ninja moves. You don’t need a fancy multi-tool gadget, whiz bang, pocket this, pocket that. They can come in handy, and many are useful. But they’re not required for […]

Prepare Your Car for Urban Defense & Survival

As we’ve seen lately… There are plenty of scenarios where you’ll want to use your car to get out of dodge.  Riots, protests, pandemics, crime, violence, energy grid collapse… you name it. I always hope for the best but that’s not an excuse to fail […]

Best Everyday Objects for “Street Self-Defense”

It could be an umbrella, a pen or even a rock… There are plenty of common items you usually carry with you or that you can find anywhere. And these very simple objects can become effective weapons for self defense. You can easily counter a […]