One of the most common ways an attacker will come after you…
Is by grabbing you from behind in a “bear hug.”
Here are a few self-defense tips on how to escape.
#1: Shoulder Throw
Use a shoulder throw defense.
You will need to lower yourself towards the ground while spreading your legs to improve your balance.
Shove one of your elbows up to loosen their grip and grab their opposite hand.
Use it to drag the attacker onto your back and flip them onto the ground.
#2: The Stomp
Grab your opponent’s forearms and lower your body.
Make sure that you keep your feet together.
Stomp hard with your heel on one of their feet, and the pain will cause them to release you and you can run away.
#3: Sidestepping
This bear hug escape method is complicated, but with practice, you can become good at it.
Raise the attacker’s hands with yours, with your elbows at a 90 degree angle, and making sure that your palms are straight up.
Step one of your feet to the side until it is behind his opposing foot, and use your hand to grab his pants.
Lift that leg off the ground and bend it until your knee hits their knee and you both fall.
When you follow these motions, it will be easy to make your opponent fall even if they are bigger than you.
While on the ground, hit them as many times as possible with your elbow so that they let you go.
#4: Smash & Finger Crunch
You can also escape an attacker using a rear head smash or by grabbing his fingers and bending the little one backward.
Both of these can cause a lot of pain, making your attacker loosen their grip so you escape.
If your attacker starts to pull you away and you cannot use any of the above tactics, squat to ensure that it is harder for them to drag you away.
Of course, one type of “weapon” you can carry with you at all times, that’s not a gun or knife…
Is this discreet, tactical “Tac Pen” (open the link for details.)
If someone grabs you from behind, use one arm to start executing one of the techniques…
And use your other arm to reach into your pocket and grab the “Tac Pen…”
You could easily use the glass-shatter tip to stab someone.
Right now, you can get a “Tac Pen” free in this giveaway.
However, they only have around 60-70 of these left so don’t wait and miss out!