The worst thing you can do for your safety is to attract attention.
You need to blend in with your surroundings for optimal self-defense.
Thugs and criminals choose their targets because something about that person catches their attention.
It’s often:
- A shiny piece of jewelry.
- An expensive watch.
- Or flashy car.
Anything easily seen and that identifies you as wealthy.
In many home invasion robberies reported, the victim is chosen ahead of time.
How? By being followed.
Perps track you from local gas stations to grocery stores before finally breaking into your house when it’s most convenient for them.
This typically occurs without having been noticed at all.
You’ll escape unwanted attention if you disguise yourself as bland as possible.
A bland person is nearly invisible. No one notices him. He just blends right with his surroundings.
Same goes for any crisis situation.
In a crisis, it’s vital to remain as unseen as possible.
If people were desperate and starving in your neighborhood—and you had food supplies that no one else has access to, like bottled water—then it is best for your safety if others don’t know.
So, what’s one easy thing you can do? Here’s how to blend in:
- The first thing to do is change your attire. Choose clothes that are a neutral color and wear them in similar styles as those around you so no one can spot or make out what they’re looking at.
- Stop wearing any jewelry or accessories which could be seen from afar by people who might not appreciate it — you don’t want their attention on you when all you really need is for passersby to ignore your presence altogether!
- Don’t smell one way or the other. Body odor and strong cologne attract about the same amount of attention.
- Other things are based directly on the situation. For instance, if you’re trying to move through a protesting, or rioting crowd, pick up a sign and act as a part of the crowd.
If you are carrying valuables with you–like cash, wallet or phone…
Do yourself a favor and get this “Spy Cap” to keep it all away from prying eyes.
For now, you can get one rushed to you at no cost.
But there’s only 500 free packages to go around as part of this test. So if you wait, you’ll probably miss your chance.