Look, most of what passes as self-defense is pure dog crap.
You don’t need a hundred ninja moves.
You don’t need a fancy multi-tool gadget, whiz bang, pocket this, pocket that.
They can come in handy, and many are useful.
But they’re not required for you to defend yourself.
You don’t even really need a gun or knife on you at all times.
Of course, I like carrying those as much as anyone, so you’ll probably find me with something on me at all times.
Let’s be honest, you only need 3, maybe 4 tactics tattooed to your brain…
To defend against and escape any kind of attack.
These will take seconds to memorize, and they’re all things you can “naturally” do, without spending weeks in a gym or learning the latest karate kick.
#1: Scare Off Your Attacker
This one is obvious, but often enough.
Attackers, robbers and thugs love going after people that look weak or like they won’t put up much of a fight.
So, if they’re coming at you… shout, scream, move around – basically, go berserk.
Act like a total, complete lunatic. Make the attacker stop dead in their tracks and wonder what the heck is going on.
They have the element of surprise most of the time. So, turn the tables. They won’t expect you to act like someone who just escaped from an insane asylum.
#2: Improvise Anything Close for Defense
Don’t hesitate to do and/or use anything near you to defend yourself against an attacker.
It can be a rock, a piece of garbage, metal, a pen or anything.
Even just grabbing something and throwing it at an attacker can buy you precious few seconds to get away quickly.
#3: Exploit the Weak Areas of an Attacker
Since you might be weaker than your attacker…
The best thing to do if you can defend yourself physically is to target the parts of his body that are most sensitive.
For example, you can choose to go for the eyes. Hurting the eyes is painful and disorienting.
The knees or legs are also sensitive areas. If you can hit the leg or knee of your attacker with anything near you, it will make him or her lose balance and allow you to escape.
#4: Don’t Make Yourself an Easy Target
Avoid looking vulnerable by doing the following things:
- Don’t carry a lot of luggage on your own.
- Avoid being in isolated places by yourself.
- Walk confidently to avoid suspicion.
- Avoid places that are not well lit at night.
Super easy, right? But do you practice these things?
Most people nod their heads and say “yeah, sure” at these…
But then find themselves in isolated, dark places by themselves, walking like they’re scared, carrying a bag.
Don’t be that guy.
Prepare yourself, and if you want something easy to carry with you…
That’s not a weapon like a knife or gun…
Take a look at this brand new pack of 3 “stealth items” you need to protect yourself…
- Safe for users (but really bad for an attacker)
- Non-lethal injury to keep you out of jail
- Temporary disable, gives you time to get away
- Compact to keep in purse or bag
- Easy to use, no training required
But please hurry if you want your pack. They’re only available for a limited time.
Get one shipped to your door today.