Frank, my neighbor, is quite the character.
We only started talking because he once saw a book I was reading, on my porch.
It was “The Book of Five Rings”, written by the Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi around 1643.
He was outside cutting grass, saw it and chuckled, “Yeah, I did that ninja shit once…”
He continued talking about his experience with Kenpo karate, the Vietnam war, and his colorful life as a bodyguard in Chicago back in the day.
I’ve learned to not interrupt Frank. Just let him talk.
He ended up scribbling down some of his favorite American Kenpo moves.
Says they came in real useful during his time as a bodyguard.
I shared a couple with you yesterday.
Here are a few more from Frank…
Move #3: Delayed Sword
This technique is an excellent defense mechanism against a straight punch.
Most guys Frank had to deal with lacked imagination when it comes to fighting.
All they did was throw punches.
Follow these steps to execute it.
- Step back with your left leg.
- Move right neutral as you perform a right inward block to your attacker’s forearm.
- Execute a right-front snap kick into the attacker’s groin.
- Execute a right outward chop to their neck.
Move #4: Evading The Storm
This technique can be an excellent defense mechanism against an attacker armed with a club. There should be some distance between your body and the attacker.
Frank says he learned this one the hard way before he wised up.
Follow these steps to execute it.
- Draw an imaginary line on the floor and step on the side of the attacker’s body with the club as the attacker comes up with the club. This movement should put the club between you and the attacker.
- Step up and use your arm to guide the attacker’s hand in the same motion as their swing.
- Secure their wrist and shoot a roundhouse kick to the attacker’s ribs.
- Punch the attacker’s kidney as their posture changes. Keep your elbow behind the fist to avoid turning it as you punch the attacker’s kidney.
These Kenpo techniques can be helpful when defending yourself against attackers.
You will protect yourself, avoiding physical injury or theft of your property.
Frank practices these moves daily, even though he’s long “retired” from the “job”, busting heads all day long.
At some point I asked him if he ever carried a gun, knowing that he probably did…
He just stared at me, shook his head, muttered something about “rookie…”
But next time we spoke, he mentioned something about “ghost guns”…
Turns out you can build your own Glock at home, with no registration, no serial number, no background checks, no paper trail & nobody will know you have it.
You can do it in 1 hour, if you follow the instructions by this underground expert (he shows you exactly how to do it, step-by-step, in his new DVD.)
And best of all he’s giving away the FREE DVD today (he simply asks you to pay for shipping and handling.)
Discover how to build your own unregistered Glock 9mm at home