Overnight Defense & Survival Strategies

How do you survive a night in the streets of your city?

What would you do if you had to abandon your home at night, quickly, thanks to mobs, riots and civil unrest? 

How would you defend yourself and your family? 

Here are 4 quick, practical tips for preparing your defenses.

#1. Have a Quality “Go Bag”

A prepared bag with essentials for your survival is one of the best ways to ensure you make it through your city. But this kind of go bag is different. The name of the game isn’t to have the best equipment to build shelter and filter water.

You’re trying to have what you need without drawing attention to you and your family.

Things to consider for your go bag:

  • Old stuff: Worn out clothes and shoes will draw fewer eyes. Put some new insoles in the shoes (for comfort). Make sure the bag itself doesn’t look good enough to steal.
  • A physical map: You’re looking for the best route, not necessarily the fastest one. Since it may take a couple of days (without a vehicle). Mark off public areas, parks and potential places to find things you need (e.g. food).
  • Seasonal: Update your bag, depending on the season. Extra water in the summer, extra layers in the winter. 

#2. Know Where to Rest

Generally avoid areas that are dark and shielded from the public.

If it looks like a criminal would like it, don’t stay there or walk through it.

And if you can’t make it through the city in 8-10 hours of walking, it’s best to rest for a few hours somewhere.

Places you may think about staying:

  • Public areas: Parks, bus stops, shopping areas (unless unrest is the cause of your evacuation). It’s possible to rest, but you’ll have to blend in with the protest.
  • Under overpasses: A common place for some to gather and you’ll likely not look too out of place.
  • Near hospitals: Medical centers are a natural place for individuals to gather. Some are catching a smoke outside, with family admitted inside. It’s also busier, with people heading in and out.

#3. Move During the Night

Making the biggest moves at night may keep your party safe.

A few things to think about:

  • If you leave in the morning, attempt to push for a few hours and then find a good place to rest until nightfall.
  • If it’s evening, really try to trudge the night through and rest when everyone else in the city is trying to figure out what to do.

In general, rest when people are out and about and the sun is high. Then, move while people are asleep and it’s cool.

#4. Learn Self Defense

A plan and a bag full of useful things is great preparedness. But if someone wants to block your way and take your stuff — self defense is the only way to make it out.

Learn techniques that are easy-to-use against the most common attacks. Things to learn like:

  • How to disarm a knife-wielding attacker.
  • Critical pressure points and how to best strike them.
  • How to escape dangerous situations (like kidnapping.)

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